Coronavirus who is benefiting?

Fear is the best motivation. In the state of fear even worst skunk can become a real-life hero. 
When a human becomes fearless, life is becoming a great journey. How to become fearless, for me it was the acceptance of higher power. 
I did many things in my life and the most powerful experience which I did was overcoming the fear of fire. I went to the seminar with Anthony Robbins and together with a few thousand people we did a firewalk. After that my life is different. 
Anyone can do this, anyone can enjoy life without worry. Just try the seminar and you will gain the biggest advantage in your competition ever. 
The second biggest fear was fear of inmates when I was arrested. You land with all bunch of different people, most of them drunk, or high on drugs, few are really bad criminals and you really do not know who is who. The whole atmosphere is overloaded with aggression, power influence of the strongest ones and fear of being constantly endangered. The worst part is when you are absolutely innocent, and the fear of getting a long sentence just because some judge wants to teach you a lesson.
I end up one day in a small 2 man cell with one of the most dangerous people in the world. His name was Andrew and he was a high ranked member of Aryan Brotherhood. It was in 2001 just after 9 11, and it was a very very difficult situation
A few years back Gates foundation did work in Africa, and their main goal was sterilization of an African woman. Now we have a total attack on the world economy who is benefiting from this? Who is going to lose the most? How many poor people around the world will die because of the changes in the economy?
Who made most profits on this big drop on Wall Street? Soros is an expert in exploring this kind of opportunity.
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