
Showing posts with the label # #realestate #poland #purchasing #construction #nieruchomosci #financeandeconomy #working #zdrowie

Czy znasz samego siebie??

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned.

Karol Nawrocki czyli nasz prezydent nasza najwjeksza szansa na powrot demokracji

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. Kiedy policzono glosy, kiedy po raz kolejny okazalo sie ze Lemingi z Wilanowa Jagodna i wielu innych okolic wygrali te polityczna zabawe i przejeli wladze, zrozumialem , tak musialo sie stac!! Jestem czlowiekiem wierzacym, wierze w "cuda" aczkolwiek tym razem dzjekujac Panu Bogu za ten dar, nie do konca ogarnialem potege tych wyzwan. Powrot junty Tuska do wladzy oznaczal powrot hord Mongolskich do swiata wspolczesnego. Bodnaryzm, atak na Polskosc, atak na wszelka logike i rajonalnosc w stopniu porowbywalnym z najazdem Szweckim. Tak wg profesora Nowaka, mojego mentora , autorytetu, i rownoczesnie nadzieji na lepsza przyszlosc, to najazd szewdzki byl najgorszym kataklizmem w historii Polski. Oczywiscie chodzi o lata okolo 1640-1664, lub okolo. Nie czulem strachu, ani radosci , mimo iz gleboko ...

TRUMP WIN!!Crash is coming especially to EU

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. Few days ago WW annouced it will close 3 manufacturing plants in Germany. This is not possible since their union contrct guranteees them lifetime emplyment 67% drop in sales in China !! BMW, Mercedes Audi are in similar possition. This is so crazy. Time to make realy big ,oney realy fast

Just two years ago I was 124 kg, today just 97

It was not so simple and at the same time not so hard. Intermidiate fasting, keto some regular workouts and lots of gret food. I am so amazed by my results that I will take a litlle break , let my body to detox andf than final stage we will go for 85. Amazing part is so easy and so hard. I did learn that obesity is a result of insulin. Yes and when I look at our national programs which make us just fat and stupid I am so impressed. Do you wish to be slim and fit?? Additionally save tons of money and live long and healthy? I do not want your money I want you to get similar results , it is possible and not so hard fter all. I am 65, and sind 2015 I am fighting attacks of epilepsy and brain tumor. Somehow it was possible and I would like to thank all from Dr Jason Fung, to Dr Skoczylas , and many many othrs whom I do listen daily and will do so to stay strong and motivated. Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completel...

Vena tworcza, or creative immagination

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. Today I ws driving my car in crowded streets of Warsaw, and it was quite obviously Friday afternnon busy and crazy with people who think they know how t drive. All of sudden I think on the back of the city bus could be my led display with various information about alll you can dream off. later i see lots of cars and i think if each one had a banner a small one linerover the rooof with ability to sell some information at location you are at the time . New idea , develop a program aplication for people who want to sell their products. Lets say local restaurants at specific timewant to advertise and my AI appplication would send the add of local restaurat as wepass by and so forth. Nobody would like to pay for adds unless they get reults so i would offer free subscrption of our service and subscribers on...

Low-cost housing

Since the beginning of the construction industry innovation is the key to lowering the cost. New ideas did allow our architects and engineers to dream about new solutions to accommodate our clients. The best client is the one who can afford our products and he is in the desire to buy our product. My idea is to bring new, affordable technology based on innovation from many different parts of the world. Key is low cost regardless of the location. Now I am in Poland. Most likely the fastest growing economy in the world. Yes especially now when we did overcome the hardest war with an invisible enemy which is Covid 19. Poland has a lot to offer. Much more than any other comparable country around the world. My fascination with low-cost affordable housing is coming out at the perfect time since the Polish government is going to work hard to get this basic need of millions of Poles and immigrants coming to our country. The cost of living is growing fast and 1is increasing the opportunity to ...

If you travel to Warsaw Poland welcome to my place only 25 zl per night, or 75 zl for whole room

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. Most of my friends when traveling, usually stay at hostels or R@B. There is a simple reason, actually, quite a few different reasons. The main goal of the travelers is to explore new places, meet new friends and enjoy the trip at the lowest possible price when still enjoying the time. I did personally visited many different countries. My first few years were focused on travel at the lowest budget anyone can imagine. My first alone without my parents trip was at age 16, it was a vacation time, I did travel through Poland by autostop. Stayed at campings and eating mostly what I did found in woods or fields. I did have a little money at the same time I was very frugal My first trip to a capitalistic country was at age 18 when I was the only one with a valid driver's license.

Happy woman"s day.

Many years ago someone smart invented International Women's day, March 8 is the day and so be it. For me as a man my woman and all woman I ever met are always very special. I do show my appreciation and celebrate each contact with women regardless of the situation. I am kind and sincerely love all woman around the world . For me race, or gender does not really matter, and I am quite sure all women which did have contact with me will confirm this. Few women are very special to me and they know who they are. Especially my mother, my daughter, my girlfriend and future wife, my sisters, cousins and all my family. I do also respect and love as a human all women I did associate , do business with or simply interact. My special appreciation and thanks to all women which are in service, starting from military, missionary, or simply working in different fields. I do remember a few encounters with women which I never had interest in. One time I volunteered and did invest a few weekends sof m...

Kwatery 8

Moja manadzer znalazła wspaniały obiekt w samym sercu Gocławia. Super lokalizacją i bardzo atrakcyjna cena najmu na 5 lat. Obiekt na dużej działce, z parkingiem na 20 samochodów. Razem 8 mieszkań jednak my wynajmujemy kwatery. Dzielimy mieszkania na pokje i będzie ich 12 może nawet 14 pokoi, większość 3-osobowe będzie te jedynka i dwójka. Potencjalnie będziemy mieli 40 kwater. Cena za najmę to od 450 do 600 zł za miesiąc, liczę średnio 500 przy 100% obłożeniu to około 20.000.00 zł a nasze koszty to czynsz 5400.00 Media około 2000.00 Konserwator 2500.00 Pozostaje około 10.000.00 brutto zysku, a przy 600 zl nawet 14000.00 plus mam mieszkanie za darmo. Piękny ogród i parking dla mojego BMW. W skali roku mamy potencjał zarobić 144000.00 zł. Następnie kupimy jeden z domow ktore obserwujemy. W czasach globalnego kryzysu budujemy wspaniały biznes , dochody i bardzo poszukiwany.

How to build a sustainable company,

Big money is turning its back on companies that aren’t conforming to one simple idea… Sustainability. And it’s fueling one of the biggest transfers of capital the world has ever seen. In fact, within a year, 77% of institutional investors will stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, sustainable. And the new King of Wall Street is leading the charge. BlackRock, with over $7 trillion in assets under management, says its clients will double their ESG investments in just five years… Money managers on the Street are saying climate change is their top concern… And a ‘leading criteria’ when determining where they put their money to work. Sustainable assets already account for $17.1 trillion… But there could be as much as $120 trillion up for grabs.  And that’s exactly why sustainable stocks are outperforming the market.  They are the new go-to investment but could be far better than gold. This sector is a safe haven in that the road to sustainability is long. AND i...

Investing in the art of wining: Trump won, regardless of final outcome !

Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes Sunday, November 8, 2020 15:01 A recount of voting ballots nationwide was being done by elite units of the National Guard by early Sun. morning 8 Nov. To prevent fraud official ballots had been printed with an invisible, unbreakable code watermark and registered on a Quantum Blockchain System. As of this writing , in five states 14 million ballots had been put through a laser scanner – 78% of which failed because there was no watermark to verify the ballot. Of those that failed 100% had checked for Biden. An initial test showed that according to water marks on validated ballots fed into the Quantum Computer, Trump won re-election by over 80% of the legal ballot cast. The final validated vote tallied in that test: Trump 73.5 million votes to Biden’s 25.9 million – and that didn’t even account for Trump votes that people observed being tossed and never accounted for. Interesting ...

10000$ invested in 2010 could bring you 658,349,20$ profit

Company Ticker Index 10-Year % Ch. Sector $10,000 Investment 10 Years Ago Is Now Worth Composite Rating Patrick Industries ( PATK ) S&P 600 6,483.5% Industrials $658,349.2 93 LendingTree ( TREE ) S&P 400 4,187.7% Financials $428,773.6 79 Tesla ( TSLA ) N/A 4,035.6% Consumer Discretionary $413,558.0 97 Zynex ( ZYXI ) S&P 600 3,708.2% Health Care $380,819.7 99 Repligen ( RGEN ) S&P 400 3,663.4% Health Care $376,337.6 97 MarketAxess ( MKTX ) S&P 500 3,485.4% Financials $358,536.6 98 DexCom ( DXCM ) S&P 500 3,461.5% Health Care $356,153.2 98 NVIDIA ( NVDA ) S&P 500 3,383.4% Information Technology $348,338.4 99 Domino's Pizza ( DPZ ) S&P 500 3,254.6% Consumer Discretionary $335,464.1 90 Netflix ( NFLX ) S&P 500 2,657.9% Communication Services $275,790.5 98 S&P 500 193.2% $29,323.0

Microsoft (MSFT), (AMZN), Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL), Adobe (ADBE) and ServiceNow (NOW).

     Pandemia or not money markets are working 7 days a week 365 days a year. Always you make the most money on panic and if you can spot the right moment you can 100 fold your investment overnight. Of course, usually, this is related to the big risk and at the same time even bigger rewards.     If we look at charts of all major investment indicators they will show steady and continuous growth, at the same time growing upwards is slow, systematic, and rewarding those who understand how the world works.      At 80% of the time markets are going upwards and 20% are dropping down and about 2-3% are dramatic drops like in 1929, 1987, or 2007, 2019. Usually, the biggest winners will drop most frantically at those days of global panic. Between 2015 and 2019 USA markets did double in size and in a few weeks of panic at the outbreak of COVID 19 did drop all profits from the past 4 years.      At the back end of March, I did recommend invest...

QRVO: $128.67 - Qorvo Inc -

Technology 5G is an absolute key development in the technology of our time. Now most EU countries are backing of Huawei and buying the US and western EU technology. Poland is going to invest huge in 5G, and it is leading in the defence industry as well. Within the next 3 years, Poland will become a major player in EU politics and military strategy. I truly hope Quorvo will build a new factory in Poland and will become a hub for 5G in EU and world wide QRVO: $128.67 - Qorvo Inc - : QRVO Jesli grasz wygrywaj, jesli szukasz zapytaj a jesli chesz zyc bez trosko to naucz sie modlic

New world is coming

This article seems to be an analysis of the reality which POTUS called the big swamp. Our world is dominated by bureaucracy, useless and very corrupted. The socialistic model called crooked capitalism has nothing in common with capitalism. Capitalism values human life as most precious, most wart to preserve. In our world, we have many leaders who are closely controlled by various groups of interest, in many cases real mafia models. America is the leading world in efficiency, creativity, innovation, productivity, and safety for their own people. It is a really true democracy worth fighting for. Viruses have always existed and many will come sooner or later. vaccinations will not help us much since viruses are capable of mute and whatever we will develop will become obsolete and useless unless our goal is to eliminate those weaker and less capable to build a strong immune system. Our only real answer goes back to basics. Teach people about the benefit of fasting. Eliminate sugar from...

Fake news or biological war ?

Fake news or biological war?      Our world as we know it did fall apart. We were in an era of absolutely fantastic expenditure and all of a sudden we are in an absolute recession. Not too many of us ould expect such an outcome of another wave of virus infection. Actually, it is coming on us every few years, and usually, we do not pay much attention to such events,, except this time in this world of few wealthy men and women have a great way to remind us how little we mean to them. President Trump did tell us about this danger and he knew it was coming on us, just did not have a chance 100% to protect us from it.       We the of the world and especially Americans need to go back to basics. It is us who decide what we eat if we do exercise if we trust in God if we let fake news, fake leadership too take us where we want to go. Now it is election time in the USA and in Poland and many other parts of the world. We cannot change the outcomes. F...

Who will earn a nomination for the biggest idiot of Polish politics? Grodzki ??

Recently whole world attention is focused on Coronavirus. Italy has a real big problem, as the virus is spreading practically out of control. Polish President Andrzej Duda who is running reelection campaign did cancel all meetings with potential voters, he will limit his campaign to small meetings with key members of his team. This was a very wise and deeply thought decision. Prime minister of Poland did reorganize whole his schedule and is absolutely concentrated on preparation to fight potential pandemic breakout. Polish parliament the first time since I do not remember when did pass new laws and regulations which will help to assign money and power to make quick decisions. Many people who feel in any way to be unhealthy do follow the recommended step by step procedures and here the third person in Poland. Professor of Medicine and Marsalek of Senat goes on vacation to the most infected country in the world. He takes with himself a large group of family members and government w...

The trend is your friend.

The trend is your friend. Turkey got tired of the political mess created by the EU and was forced to do what they did promise for a long time. How can I benefit from this opportunity? A wave of immigration is just a fact, even if armed forces will build a wall thousands of immigrants will flood the EU. All will need a place to stay, a job and much more. Poland has fantastic economic growth, new factories, new office buildings and a shortage of affordable housing at least at locations where are most desirable. I have a great plan. Few buildings which are at fantastic locations are waiting for investors. Join me and let's make money at wall street level  # # # realestate # poland # purchasing # construction # nieruchomosci # financeandeconomy # working # zdrowie