Coronavirus myth and fake news!

Since the first word was written and published someone did get the idea of how to turn this in the money-making machine.

It is extremely hard to find out if the first-ever newspaper was published with all real news or fake news. I believe there was no accidental release of the virus. This is a follow-through of SAR and it is well managed and controlled by a few shrouded businessmen which made billions on such a scam.
Money markets are made by fear force. Wall Street and all other markets work for years on building the wealth and usually due to some real or fake crisis everything seems to collapse in a short time.
Very soon science will find a new answer for this virus and same time few investors richer by many millions of $$ will start working on new scams.
In the past and even now a few bad people even started or continuous wars with real or imaginary enemies. WARS MAKE MONEY FOR FEW AND ARE PAID BY POOR.
The only system which loves peace is capitalism. The only system which protects human life, property rights, peace is capitalism. The question is who and why start wars? Who and why bring out specific viruses, the ones on humans, animals or software??

Let the CIA analyze who did benefit the most out of this war on humanity and we will know the rest.


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