Coronavirus myth and money? Who will make money on this??

Since the first word was written and published someone did get the idea of how to turn this in the money-making machine.
It is extremely hard to find out if the first-ever newspaper was published with all real news or fake news. I believe many dishonest people do make a lot of profit in this scheme.
In a communist or socialist world, propaganda is a key ingredient of daily life. People will do a lot to feel great same time every single person has some fears and in some cases, it can be an obsessive, dominating force, which easily can change in panic. When you panic you becoming nothing more than a puppet in hands of manipulators. I can hear and see that many stores have empty shelves, in Poland like it was when we had a socialistic economy because total opposition and especially PO did create a state of the fear state of panic. Now elder people buy face masks, which do not help unless you already sick. They buy tons of para medication which does not help or solve anything. Same time all they need to do is stay at home fast and enjoy happy time with their closest people, family or whoever they will choose


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