
Showing posts with the label dlugowiecznosc

How to build a sustainable company,

Big money is turning its back on companies that aren’t conforming to one simple idea… Sustainability. And it’s fueling one of the biggest transfers of capital the world has ever seen. In fact, within a year, 77% of institutional investors will stop buying into companies that aren’t, in some way, sustainable. And the new King of Wall Street is leading the charge. BlackRock, with over $7 trillion in assets under management, says its clients will double their ESG investments in just five years… Money managers on the Street are saying climate change is their top concern… And a ‘leading criteria’ when determining where they put their money to work. Sustainable assets already account for $17.1 trillion… But there could be as much as $120 trillion up for grabs.  And that’s exactly why sustainable stocks are outperforming the market.  They are the new go-to investment but could be far better than gold. This sector is a safe haven in that the road to sustainability is long. AND i...

Investing in the art of wining: Trump won, regardless of final outcome !

Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes Sunday, November 8, 2020 15:01 A recount of voting ballots nationwide was being done by elite units of the National Guard by early Sun. morning 8 Nov. To prevent fraud official ballots had been printed with an invisible, unbreakable code watermark and registered on a Quantum Blockchain System. As of this writing , in five states 14 million ballots had been put through a laser scanner – 78% of which failed because there was no watermark to verify the ballot. Of those that failed 100% had checked for Biden. An initial test showed that according to water marks on validated ballots fed into the Quantum Computer, Trump won re-election by over 80% of the legal ballot cast. The final validated vote tallied in that test: Trump 73.5 million votes to Biden’s 25.9 million – and that didn’t even account for Trump votes that people observed being tossed and never accounted for. Interesting ...

Intermittent fasting czyli przerywany post ( naukowe podejscie)

Czy odmówiłbyś sobie zjedzenie śniadania jesli w zamian mialbys szanse zyc dluzej? Nie jadlem sniadania, nie zjadlem przekaski o 11 i robie to od kilku lat. Od kilku lat staram sie przestrzegac max 2 posilki. jeden okolo 14 drugi najpozniej o 20. okolo 16 do 20 godzin przerwy pomiedzy posilkami. Takie sposoby odzywiania nazywamy przerywanym postem. Wyniki tego systemu mowia same za siebie. W ciagu szeciu miesiecy obnizylem procent luszczu w swoim organizmie o 2%. Pokonuje 5 km w 19.1 minut a wczesniej potrzebowalem okolo 24 minuty. Jem mniej, nabralem pieknych miesni i jestem silniejszy. Jak to jest mozliwe?? Czlowiek od zarania dziejow nie jadal 3 posilkow dziennie a tym bardziej nie mail zadnych przekasek czy przysmakow . Raczej czesto przymierali z glodu lub mili wielodniowe przerwy w spozywaniu posilkow. Postepy w hodowli i uprawie roli zwjekszyly nasze mozliwosci, i ilosc jedzenia jaka obecnie spozywamy jest duzo wjeksza niz nasze potrzeby.  Reklamy, bledna wi...