New world is coming
This article seems to be an analysis of the reality which POTUS called the big swamp. Our world is dominated by bureaucracy, useless and very corrupted. The socialistic model called crooked capitalism has nothing in common with capitalism. Capitalism values human life as most precious, most wart to preserve. In our world, we have many leaders who are closely controlled by various groups of interest, in many cases real mafia models. America is the leading world in efficiency, creativity, innovation, productivity, and safety for their own people. It is a really true democracy worth fighting for.
Viruses have always existed and many will come sooner or later. vaccinations will not help us much since viruses are capable of mute and whatever we will develop will become obsolete and useless unless our goal is to eliminate those weaker and less capable to build a strong immune system. Our only real answer goes back to basics. Teach people about the benefit of fasting. Eliminate sugar from our life. Allow people to decide what is good for them, not some influential groups of interest. Humans are fantastic on their own problems to start when politicians instead of following on their agenda become a part of a corrupted system.
We do not have to build another Singapore, if you ever lived in this society you would know it is a city for very wealthy people who control the city to the point it seems to be a prison.
America is great and new technologies will allow us to educate people even in very remote areas when one teacher will serve millions of kids around the world as long as politicians will quit screwing this up.
Our manufacturing capacity is changing very fast. Robotics, 3D printers and the ability to switch from one product to another will allow us to focus on more human things, family values and cooperation for the best of all of us.
We have to eliminate all those bureaucratic establishments like the UN, WHO, UNESCO and many more. They do not save real people.
You mentioned nuclear power plants, and how will you get people to accept those ticking bombs in anyone backyards?
You mentioned Tesla, and it is amazing to come back to manufacturing everything in one place with capacity to switch fast yes it is a great model the same time it is very much against unions and other groups of interest.
God inspires our minds and we have all the knowledge to expand and grow in a healthy, wealthy, happy world at the same time we need to eliminate corruption, conspiracy, and socialism
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