Vena tworcza, or creative immagination

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. Today I ws driving my car in crowded streets of Warsaw, and it was quite obviously Friday afternnon busy and crazy with people who think they know how t drive. All of sudden I think on the back of the city bus could be my led display with various information about alll you can dream off. later i see lots of cars and i think if each one had a banner a small one linerover the rooof with ability to sell some information at location you are at the time . New idea , develop a program aplication for people who want to sell their products. Lets say local restaurants at specific timewant to advertise and my AI appplication would send the add of local restaurat as wepass by and so forth. Nobody would like to pay for adds unless they get reults so i would offer free subscrption of our service and subscribers only pay if we are the providers of the costumer. Now in our model our aplication would know how many people would react and follow our add and would document our input . I am wonder if anyone gets what i am talking about Leave a comment I will send you 5$ blik world wide Peter


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