
Oto ja 12 lat temu no moze nawet 15

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. A dzisaj juz tylko 95, nawet z opcja na 85 za rok max dwa lata. Musze uwazac bo detox to nie taka latwa sprawa a zrzucanie nadwagi to tsunami toxyn

Kim jest `Donald Tusk? Mesjaszem czy malym dupkiem na smyczy Putina?

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. Moja wizja swiata oparta na 65 latach zycia w kilku systemach socjalnych PRL , Niemcy w 1983 , USA, Chiny Hong Kong i Polska ostanie 13 lat. Tusk to masjasz dla komunistow i zlo samo w sobie objawiajace sie wszedzie i na kazdym kroku. Mesjasz dla oszustow, bandytow zlodzieji, zdrajcow i wrog spoleczenstwa ktore ze swoje wlasnej glupoty dalo mu mozliwosc rzdzenia. Owszem pozwolismy mu przejac wladze wtym krytycznym momncie aby uratowac nasz kraj przed kompletna anihilacja. Tak zeby bylo lepiej musi byc gorzej. Tusk to genialny oszust, juz tak sie zapetal we wlsnych oszustwach ze nawet nie wie co mu jutro kaza mowic. Tusk to niewolnik , i nie do konca wiem co na niego maja , jednak wiem ze maja duzo i wkrotce o tym sie dowiemy

Autophage inaczej mowiac kanibalizm

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. Kazdy zywy organizm posiada zdolnosc regeneracji, co oznacza ze wjekszosc naszych dolegliwosci moze byc latwo skorygowana poprzez odpowiednia diete i styl zycia. Kazdy z nas jest kanibalem i kazdy moze , a nie kazdy potrafi zyc dlugo zdrow i szczesliwie. Poznaj sekret wiary , wiary w Boga, wiary w siebie, Tak nie szukaj alibi, nie uciekaj od siebie bo to ty decydujesz o 99% swojego zycia Pozdrawiam Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. Ubwer likw modwl for advertising. Yes I need a software which canoek on similar bases. Marketing and especially digital marketing is growing very fast. AI allows us to translate all information practically at very low cost. ...

AI czyli co nas naprawde czeka,

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. Nowe technologie w sumie oprte na starych tylko nieco unowoczesnione dominuja nasz swiat. Tymczasem politycy tak zwanej progresywnej strony czyli lewactwo swiata chce nas zepchnac do epoki kamienia lupanego. Deep State, Soros, Gates, Putin Tusk czy cala lewacka EU to tylko kamyki.

11 Listopada dzien Niepodleglosci Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned.

Just two years ago I was 124 kg, today just 97

It was not so simple and at the same time not so hard. Intermidiate fasting, keto some regular workouts and lots of gret food. I am so amazed by my results that I will take a litlle break , let my body to detox andf than final stage we will go for 85. Amazing part is so easy and so hard. I did learn that obesity is a result of insulin. Yes and when I look at our national programs which make us just fat and stupid I am so impressed. Do you wish to be slim and fit?? Additionally save tons of money and live long and healthy? I do not want your money I want you to get similar results , it is possible and not so hard fter all. I am 65, and sind 2015 I am fighting attacks of epilepsy and brain tumor. Somehow it was possible and I would like to thank all from Dr Jason Fung, to Dr Skoczylas , and many many othrs whom I do listen daily and will do so to stay strong and motivated. Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completel...

i have a dream, even better I know how to make it happen

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned. Ubwer likw modwl for advertising. Yes I need a software which canoek on similar bases. Marketing and especially digital marketing is growing very fast. AI allows us to translate all information practically at very low cost. Now one commercoial can be displayed world wide at fraction of the cost. We do not need actors or movie makers to create adds in eaach country etc Talk to me . Leave a comment Peter