
Koniec pandemi to nowy poczatek

Zawsze bylem optymista. Kiedy mialem moja firme budowlana, bylem w 100% zdany na warunki pogodowe, sezonowosc i milion innych wyzwan na ktore mialem mniejszy lub wjekszy wplyw. Dzisiaj dzieki 3 d construction printers , moge zastapic moja 100 osobowa zaloge 1 informatykiem, i okolo 10 ludziom w terenie. A w przypadku jednej budowy moge zredukowc zaloge nawet o 95%. Sprawy adminstarcyjne tez zredukowalem o okolo 80%. Elon Musk przewiduje ze w 2025 co siodmy czlowiek starci prace. Tylu mamy kierowcow a zdalnie sterowane pojazdy eliminuja zapotzrebowanie na operatorow, kierowcow itd Elon rzadko sie myli. Dolzmy do tego budownictwo i 50% ludzi w siwecie jest bez pracy, oczywisscie miliardy nowych stanowisk powstaja , nalezy sie do tego przygotowac Jesli grasz wygrywaj, jesli szukasz zapytaj a jesli chesz zyc bez trosko to naucz sie modlic

New world is coming

This article seems to be an analysis of the reality which POTUS called the big swamp. Our world is dominated by bureaucracy, useless and very corrupted. The socialistic model called crooked capitalism has nothing in common with capitalism. Capitalism values human life as most precious, most wart to preserve. In our world, we have many leaders who are closely controlled by various groups of interest, in many cases real mafia models. America is the leading world in efficiency, creativity, innovation, productivity, and safety for their own people. It is a really true democracy worth fighting for. Viruses have always existed and many will come sooner or later. vaccinations will not help us much since viruses are capable of mute and whatever we will develop will become obsolete and useless unless our goal is to eliminate those weaker and less capable to build a strong immune system. Our only real answer goes back to basics. Teach people about the benefit of fasting. Eliminate sugar from...

More good news? Citizen reporters go & do what the media won't!

Jesli grasz wygrywaj, jesli szukasz zapytaj a jesli chesz zyc bez trosko to naucz sie modlic

Fake news or biological war ?

Fake news or biological war?      Our world as we know it did fall apart. We were in an era of absolutely fantastic expenditure and all of a sudden we are in an absolute recession. Not too many of us ould expect such an outcome of another wave of virus infection. Actually, it is coming on us every few years, and usually, we do not pay much attention to such events,, except this time in this world of few wealthy men and women have a great way to remind us how little we mean to them. President Trump did tell us about this danger and he knew it was coming on us, just did not have a chance 100% to protect us from it.       We the of the world and especially Americans need to go back to basics. It is us who decide what we eat if we do exercise if we trust in God if we let fake news, fake leadership too take us where we want to go. Now it is election time in the USA and in Poland and many other parts of the world. We cannot change the outcomes. F...

Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus | Free to read | Financial Times

Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus | Free to read | Financial Times : This storm will pass. But the choices we make now could change our lives for years to come Jesli grasz wygrywaj, jesli szukasz zapytaj a jesli chesz zyc bez trosko to naucz sie modlic Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of T&Cs and Copyright Policy . Email to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found here . Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus | Free to read This storm will pass. But the choices we make now could change our lives for years to come © Graziano Panfili Share on Twitter (opens new window) Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on LinkedIn (opens new window) Save Yuval Noah Ha... Inc Stock Quote: AMZN Stock News, Quotes, Analysis | Inc Stock Quote: AMZN Stock News, Quotes, Analysis | : AMZN, Inc - Stock quote performance, technical chart analysis, SmartSelect Ratings, Group Leaders and the latest company headlines Jesli grasz wygrywaj, jesli szukasz zapytaj a jesli chesz zyc bez trosko to naucz sie modlic Tebn tez ma szanse sie podwoic lub wjecej. I mysle ze niedlugo sie podzieli tak zwany split na 10 moze 5.

Salesforce.Com Inc Stock Quote: CRM Stock News, Quotes, Analysis |

Salesforce.Com Inc Stock Quote: CRM Stock News, Quotes, Analysis | : CRM, Salesforce.Com Inc - Stock quote performance, technical chart analysis, SmartSelect Ratings, Group Leaders and the latest company headlines Jesli grasz wygrywaj, jesli szukasz zapytaj a jesli chesz zyc bez trosko to naucz sie modlic