Low-cost housing

Since the beginning of the construction industry innovation is the key to lowering the cost. New ideas did allow our architects and engineers to dream about new solutions to accommodate our clients. The best client is the one who can afford our products and he is in the desire to buy our product. My idea is to bring new, affordable technology based on innovation from many different parts of the world. Key is low cost regardless of the location. Now I am in Poland. Most likely the fastest growing economy in the world. Yes especially now when we did overcome the hardest war with an invisible enemy which is Covid 19. Poland has a lot to offer. Much more than any other comparable country around the world. My fascination with low-cost affordable housing is coming out at the perfect time since the Polish government is going to work hard to get this basic need of millions of Poles and immigrants coming to our country. The cost of living is growing fast and 1is increasing the opportunity to make huge profits. I do recall the story of Donald Trump. He did write a few books about his father and his construction companies. Now imagine if we could develop a product at half price at the fastest rate, and at the same time without any monthly cost for utilities. 3D printers save time and labor cost up to 80% and if we consider all other benefits related to safety, low cost, and emission zero. Imagine if we build whole new cities with our own infrastructure of everything you can need to live safely and happily. Imagine living in a city where you just walk outside and have easy access to transportation, schools, hospitals, and shopping and at the same time without interfering with the surrounding environment Each home can be different and at the same time easy to build and preserve. We can build our village virtually anywhere, we do not need to depend on local governments since new regulations allow us to build nice homes without any permits. I need a few enthusiasts and few clients to join me in this fantastic opportunity.


  1. Wybudujecie dom 70 m Kw za 200.000

    1. Oczywiscie , jest jednak jeden warunek, muimy uzgodnic okreslona trategie, wybrac okreslone materialy, oraz kilka mniej waznych elementow. Gdzie jest dzialka? Wmumart@gmail.com


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