Zakup nieruchomoscii przy uzyciu opcji

W USA jest taki model zakupu nieruchomosci z opcja. Polega to na podpisaniu umowy na zakup okreslonej nieruchomosci w okreslonym czasie po ustalonej cenie. Zwykle taka opcja opiewa na 30 do 90 dni. Ja proponuje moim potencjalnym sprzedawcom okres dluzszy 2-3 lat. 
Przykladow znalazlem dom w super okolicy ktory stoi pusty od 2 lat. Cena ponad 2 miliony i dom mimo ze w super okolicy , to jednak jest rudny do sprzedania bo wymaga gruntownego remontu, i adaptacji do nowych wymagan co wiaze sie z duzym ryzykiem. Moja oferta jest konkretna. Do czasu kiedy bede gotowy zakupic obiekt placee czynsz, w wysokosci jaka ustalamy na wstepie. Rownoczesnie zaczynam remont z wlasnych srodkow i zwjekszam wartosc nieruchomosci co pozwwoli mi zbudowac wartosc dodana i znalezc finaasowanie na okreslonym poziomie. Sytuacja win win bo sprzedajacy ma przychod z najmu i gwarancje sprzedazy, a ja z koeli mam sznase trzymac moja zaloge w pracy i zarabiam na wartosci dodanej

In legal language, a real estate option is an agreement that grants the party owning the option, the Optionee (you), the exclusive, unrestricted, and irrevocable right to purchase property from the party selling the option, the Optionor, during the specified period of time that the option is in effect.

Real Estate option to buy contract in all states must have six key elements:

  1. Optionee: Optionee is the party buying a real estate option.
  2. Optionor: Optionor is the party selling a real estate option.
  3. Real estate option: When an optionee buys a real estate option, he or she buys an exclusive, unrestricted, and irrevocable right and option to purchase a property at a fixed purchase price within a specified option period.
  4. Option consideration: the amount of money paid by an option to buy a real estate option from an optionor. Please be aware that money needs to exchange hands in order of the option contract to be legally binding.
  5. Option period: the specific period of time stated in the real estate option agreement in which the option is in effect.
  6. Exercise of option: The exercising of a real estate option occurs when the optionee notifies the optionor, in writing, that he or she is going to exercise the real estate option and purchase the property under option
I want to reiterate that in order for an option agreement to be contractually enforceable, the option to buy a contract must be given in exchange for consideration, or money.
The option to buy consideration is like an earnest money deposit, it can be cheap, and it gives you the equitable interest in that house.
So think of option consideration as a small amount of money from you to the seller and will give you a ratified contract.
It’s important to note that there is no special floor or ceiling for this consideration, it’s a matter of negotiation between the seller and buyer.
Depending on factors such as the price and demand of the home, the option fee can range from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars.
Being completely transparent, I sign most of my option agreement on single family homes for less than 5 dollars, however I would sign agreement for a few hundred dollars if I was super confident in deal and ability to resale. Option fees are typically nonrefundable. In other words, if you decide not to exercise your option to purchase the house within the agreed-upon time frame, you forfeit the option money.
An option-to-purchase contract must clearly state the duration of the option period. There is no correct or preferred unit of time and option periods can range from months to years. Typically, however, in the residential context, option periods range from 30 to 90 days.


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