Vision, can you explain yours

Vision is one of the most misunderstood words in the whole vocabulary. Many leaders think a vision is a state of mind, idea, or particular presentation. In reality, Vision is a lifestyle. Yes if you have the areal vision you will change and adjust with time. Similar to our picture which did capture a temporary state of this maintain, and if you would set up a camera with slow motion you would see a whole new reality.

In our lifetime we were exposed to billions and billions of different situations and if we live without a specific vision, our life can and it is chaotic.
How do you live??
Tunnel vision is the most common way we look at our life. 80% of us do not have either ability nor are allowed to have own vision. 
If you work for anyone usually you will be forced to learn and accept the corporate view and follow their procedure. Of course, a great company will encourage you to think and at the same time, they will exterminate all individualism and independent thinking.
Join us and express yourself as much as you wish. We will support you and encourage to develop better for the benefit of all.


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