3D construction printers

3D construction printers | Peter Calka (LION) | Pulse | LinkedIn

Jesli grasz wygrywaj, jesli szukasz zapytaj a jesli chesz zyc bez trosko to naucz sie modlic

The average cost of building 1 sq meter of a home in Poland costs 1000$ this technology will lower this to 300$. This is a revolution
I got a new offer it starts at 300.000 USD. It is a complete line with mixing own mortar and know-how. I am looking now for financing and hope within a few weeks to start new projects.
Can you imagine cutting the cost of the building by 70-80%???
In Poland, the cost of 1 sq m is about 2800 zl which is about 900$ or 100$ per sq ft. New technology will allow me to offer buildings at 240$ a sq meter and with some new ideas I think I will be able to get down to 100$!!! Yes this is incredible and it will allow me to be a millionaire before I am 60
OK, so .5 mil euro is no problem as long as the machine is truly worth it.3D construction tech is new to me the same time traditional ways I know so good as a labor, mason project manager I work in the industry for over 40 years.
Tell me where can I see your equipment and buildings build so we will evaluate and decide. If it is so good as it can be we will ask for exclusive market rights and will pay royalty from each project and W Gates will ask us about the way we made ourselves most successful ever.
I can see 3D printers working on the next level, work on high rises and saving so much to our clients that they will pay us whatever we ask because the value they get will exceed their expectations


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