
Showing posts from April, 2017

Paradigm shift | Peter Calka (LION) | Pulse | LinkedIn

Paradigm shift | Peter Calka (LION) | Pulse | LinkedIn When in late 70 first CD rom where made not to many people did foresee the end of long play industry. I do. I remember in one day in early eighties more than 100.000 people lost their jobs forever. Nowadays cars are made more sophisticated than ever and we need less people to manufacture, and different skills apply. Few years back each auto maker was developing own parts now many outsource and use same parts as competition. 3D printing construction machinery is a revolution on a scale of unknown in the history of mankind. Yes we did learn through our challenges we had to overcome that there are no such a thing as a waste, all we needed was to learn how to recycle. 3D technology allows us use old building materials with some kind of improvements in enhancing quality of used materials we can recycle on site and save money on hauling old buildings away. When I did build first Wal-Mart at NW Indiana, I was shocked to learn that all t...

Technologia przyszlosci - Budownictwo - Budowa Domu

Technologia przyszlosci - Budownictwo - Budowa Domu  Czy potrafisz wyobrazic sobie dom ktory zostal zbudowany w 24 godziny??   Technologia drukowania domow to najwspanialszy wynalazek od czasow kiedy wynaleziono kolo. Od Kopernika ktory wstrzymal slonce. Miliony murarzy, zbrojazy, ciesli, jest na progu utraty pracy. Technologia 3D to pozwal budowac tanio, szybko bezpiecznie i praktycznie bez czlowieka, no bo komputer moze pracowac w kazdej pogodzie, 24h 7 dni w tygodniu. Ceny mieszkan spadna dramatycznie a ci co zainwestuja w te technologie zarobia przeogromne zyski. Przylacz sie do nas zostan inwestorem lub udzialowcem i korzystaj .  

Jazda ciągnikiem Farmtrac 6075 dtn i ugniatanie obornika


Yingchuang Shanghai (WinSun) 3D House Printing Official Introduction


Farmtrac 6075 dtn hertige kultywator z wałem strunowym
