My life with greatest challenge.

Since September 11 2015 each day is a gift. Yes I feel like a newborn baby.
Day after day I discover new pages of amazing story which is my life. Challenges are endless. Amazing power which I get from God is hard to explain.
First person I saw after surgery was a girl which did work for me at the time, actually she left few weeks earlier and somehow she decided to be there when I did wake up.
No one from my family did show up, after all open brain surgery, removal of fist size cancer is just a surgery and I think that is better.
Just a week later I was released and I did started to work. I never did use one sick day or ask for any assistance. Yes my sister in USA she did stay in touch with me on daily basis same time i really did feel so well.
Now almost 2 years passed and I do understand everything so much better.
Sad part is that most people I knew did accept my challenge as the end of me , of my life. My ex partners, workers and many clients did take advantage and did not pay what they owe me.
Most amazing , one of so called friend Tadeusz Pogoda from Wilga , near Garwolin , showed his real face. He did not only steal from me one year of hard work but he did also stole my goods and money. Man who does drive a car worth 500.000 PLZ steals from a friend who trusted him so much. Yes Tadeusz is the worst man I ever knew. I can say from hundreds of people which did steal from me he is the lowest life scumbag I ever met.
Amazing part is , he did bury his wife just few years earlier, she did passed away from cancer, and he did hoped I will pass away as well.
Many others did robbed me same time, but absolutely worst after Pogoda was my most trusted assistance, my right hand which I did trusted with everything. She and she knows who she is , did steal many clients and money not to mention goods, and the best of all she did reported me to Police that I harass her. Actually she wanted to come back to work , but I could not accept someone who steal from me  .
The only hard feeling I have is lost contact with me beloved daughter, I feel like I lost my sense of desire to live, same time I am optimistic and since i truly believe in God and his absolute power i know it is that way because it supposed to be this way. God I truly believe she will come to my life again soon, it is so hard to live without the only person I ever truly, and without any limits loved.
Anastasia is everything I ever wanted, same time when she told me that she is afraid I will limit her development I did understood I have to stay away, I can watch her from a distance but have no right to interfere. This is biggest sacrifice and same time i know there is no other way


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