
Is LED the key to YOUNGER looking skin?


How LEDs Are Going To Change The Way We Look At Cities - Forbes

How LEDs Are Going To Change The Way We Look At Cities - Forbes This story appears in the September 29, 2014 issue of Forbes. Subscribe Ed Ebrahimian loves to stare out the plane window on night flights home to Los Angeles. Next time you fly into L.A. late, take a good look and see why. Five years ago a bright orange blanket of light used to saturate the city and stain the air above. Today it’s a metropolis aglow with tens of thousands of cool silvery pinpoint lights. The grid is clearer. The skies are blacker. “The lights look like candles now, and they aren’t glaring at all,” Ebrahimian gushes. “The sky glow is the most amazing thing I’ve seen in my life.” Ebrahimian has good reason to be enthused. As director of L.A.’s Bureau of Street Lighting, he’s overseeing one of the largest relighting projects in the world, spending $57 million to retrofit the city’s 215,000 lights, which come in more than 400 styles. The money has gotten him only to lamppost number 155,000 after five years.

(1) Beata Szydło- Nasza Premier

(1) Beata Szydło- Nasza Premier

POWER BANK SŁONECZNY ŁADOWARKA BATERIA 20000 mAh (6321322830) - - Więcej niż aukcje.

POWER BANK SŁONECZNY ŁADOWARKA BATERIA 20000 mAh (6321322830) - - Więcej niż aukcje.Fantastyczna ladowarka, power bank doladuje sie na sloncu lub nawet od latarni ulicznej i masz prad wszedzie i zawsze  za darmo

Oświetlenie nowoczesnych przestrzeni biurowych – dlaczego warto postawić na technologię LED? | LEDNEWS.PL

Oświetlenie nowoczesnych przestrzeni biurowych – dlaczego warto postawić na technologię LED? | LEDNEWS.PL  –  W przykładowym, 55-metrowym biurze, optymalne oświetlenie zapewnia 15 opraw tradycyjnych KVG o łącznej mocy 1230W  – mówi Mateusz Strzałkowski. –  Układ ten możemy z powodzeniem zamienić na 10 opraw ledowych Verona o mocy 50W, dzięki czemu oszczędzamy nawet do 60% mocy. Biorąc pod uwagę tryb pracy 40 godzin w tygodniu oraz cenę energii na poziomie 0,55 zł/1kWh, rocznie zostaje w portfelu 640 zł, a w przypadku 12-godzinnego trybu pracy – ponad 1200 zł. Inwestycja ta zwraca nam się już po 3-5 latach  – podsumowuje ekspert GTV.


RENEXPO® Poland 2016 | LEDNEWS.PL : Jako największy kraj w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej należący do Unii Europejskiej, z korzystnym położeniem geograficznym i powolnym, lecz pozytywnym kierunkiem rozwoju polityki w stronę energii odnawialnej

Pope Urban II Gave This Sermon In 1095 AD. After The ISIS Church Attack, It’s As Relevant As Ever

Pope Urban II Gave This Sermon In 1095 AD. After The ISIS Church Attack, It’s As Relevant As Ever Your brethren who live in the east are in urgent need of your help, and you must hasten to give them the aid which has often been promised them. For, as the most of you have heard, the Muslims have attacked them [Christians] and have conquered their territory… as far west as the shore of the Mediterranean… They have occupied more and more of the lands of those Christians, and have overcome them… They have killed and captured many, and have destroyed the churches… If you permit them to continue with impurity, Christians will be much more widely attacked by them. On this account I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ’s heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people… to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile organization from the lands of our friends. I say this to those who are present, it meant also for those who are absent. Moreover, Christ co