
Warszawska premiera książki dr Ewy Kurek "Jedwabne anatomia kłamstwa"


I Ate Bacon, Eggs & Butter and Here Is What Happened To My Blood


How to become rich? Easy and fast,

Capitalism is the social system based upon private ownership of the means of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated economy where all land is privately owned.

What You MUST Eat Before A FAST


Już odrobina podnosi TESTOSTERON o 46% 👉 odejmij sobie lat.


#1 Absolute Best FATTY LIVER DETOX


Low-cost housing

Since the beginning of the construction industry innovation is the key to lowering the cost. New ideas did allow our architects and engineers to dream about new solutions to accommodate our clients. The best client is the one who can afford our products and he is in the desire to buy our product. My idea is to bring new, affordable technology based on innovation from many different parts of the world. Key is low cost regardless of the location. Now I am in Poland. Most likely the fastest growing economy in the world. Yes especially now when we did overcome the hardest war with an invisible enemy which is Covid 19. Poland has a lot to offer. Much more than any other comparable country around the world. My fascination with low-cost affordable housing is coming out at the perfect time since the Polish government is going to work hard to get this basic need of millions of Poles and immigrants coming to our country. The cost of living is growing fast and 1is increasing the opportunity to ...