
From Cree, a budget LED that won't make Edison roll over in his grave | MNN - Mother Nature Network

From Cree, a budget LED that won't make Edison roll over in his grave | MNN - Mother Nature Network There are 60W LED below 5$, I have 7W 600 LM for 4$ plus shipping and if you buy 10 we ship for free. 40W replacement we have for 3.5$ (420 LM). The best of LED you will see in about 2-3 years when I do anticipate full fall of 60 W below 2$, and within 5 years below 1$.

Google Timelapse - topniejące lodowce, wycinka puszczy amazońskiej. Zobacz, jak zmieniał się świat, Europa, twoje miasto

Google Timelapse - topniejące lodowce, wycinka puszczy amazońskiej. Zobacz, jak zmieniał się świat, Europa, twoje miasto Czy to oznaza ze mamy zastosowac Salinowskie czy Hitlerowskie czy Maoistyczne metdoy i wyeliminowac 6 miliardow ludzi?? Znaczy ammy wprowadzic socjlaizm i w imie dobra okreslonej grupy zabijemy tych niepotrzebnuych??

Why you should not plant bamboo in your yard | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Why you should not plant bamboo in your yard | MNN - Mother Nature Network Great point. We need also to learn how to harvest bamboo shots. I tried them it taste awesome.

How one family is living off the grid | MNN - Mother Nature Network

How one family is living off the grid | MNN - Mother Nature Network Solar panels and LED follow Haitz law. Every 2 years efficiency per Watt doubles that means, more power from solar and less power needed to get same results. Wal-mart my Goddess of efficiency and saving, is installing solar panels , and LED everywhere, that tells me it must make economical sense.

Użytkownik ledmaster - zdjęcia na FotoForum |

Użytkownik ledmaster - zdjęcia na FotoForum | <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>
LED. Low emission diode.  Diody LED czyli inaczej mowiac swiecace sie dioda to rewolucja w swiecie swiatla. Najnowsze produkty zalewaja rynki swiata i eliminuja stare rozwiazania, czyli zarowki, zarowe, CFL czyli kompatktowe swietlowki , czy halogeny. Tak wszelkie swiatlo uzyskiwane starymi niewydajnymi metodami jest przestarzale  zarowno w sensie tehnologicznym jak i w sensie finansowym. Firma Cree produkuje juz diody ktore z jednego wata daja ponad 200 lumenow swiatla. a Philps juz ma nawet aplikacje i zarowke o takiej wlasnie mocy czyli 200 Lm z 1 W oczywisie do maswej produkji trafiw 2015 i bedzie kosztowala okolo 100$. OK to ja zgaduje tyle ze znajac expertow z Philipsa wlasnie takiej ceny sie spodziewam patrzac na ich cene na 12.5W ktora daje zaledwie 65 lm z 1 W.

When Is The Best Time To Do Make vs. Buy? | Group 50

When Is The Best Time To Do Make vs. Buy? | Group 50Excellent article. I had worked over seas as a outsourcing contractor for several years. My opinion support 3 key observations. There is no such a thing as protection for intellectual property in most countries around the world especially in Asia. When the company decide to outsource their manufacturing it means change in profile and usually leads to elimination of manufacturing branch which leads to total loss of control of that phase of business. Innovation which comes from manufacturing phase is 100% missing since all improvements are basically left to manufacturing contractor and people like me, outsiders who work on contracts and in really no body cares about our comments and suggestions. Most important, the company basically becomes the law firm with bunch of accountants, competing with another bunch of similar brokers. I am not intending to insult anyone especially my clients. Another key observation is that most , and I...