
Showing posts from February, 2014

Zarowka LED 360 stopni swiecenia 9W zastapi 100W Tradycyjna Warszawa Praga-Południe •

Zarowka LED 360 stopni swiecenia 9W zastapi 100W Tradycyjna Warszawa Praga-Południe •

LED Kwadratowa Oprawa stropowa 4W Warszawa Praga-Południe •

LED Kwadratowa Oprawa stropowa 4W Warszawa Praga-Południe •  Nowosc na rynku. Super cieenka, tylko 4w, okolo 400-450 lm strumien swiatal potencjalnie nawet 9% oszczednosc na rachunku za prad. Estetycznie wykonana, mozna powiedziec z wyzszej polki

LED zarowka 5W Ciepla Biala COB (3953608509) - - Więcej niż aukcje.

LED zarowka 5W Ciepla Biala COB (3953608509) - - Więcej niż aukcje. Extremalne oszcednosci 

Welcome to Aeon Lighting Technology Inc.

Welcome to Aeon Lighting Technology Inc. Press 2014 2014.1.22 New High & Low Bay Lighting Solution – ALTLED® 46W T8 High Bay lighting is the best way to efficiently illuminate mid to high-ceiling space. High bay lamps are ideal for open areas with at least 13 feet of space between the floor and the bottom of the lighting fixture. As a total lighting solutions provider, ALT is now offering a new option for high-bay lighting, utilizing the world’s brightest LED T8 tubes; the new high bay option will properly illuminate the workspace while ensuring high color retention and improved lumen output. The ALTLED ® T8 high bay solution is more efficient than traditional lighting and other LED competitors and is perfectly suitable for hypermarts, gyms, factories, including freezers and environments down to -65℃. Replacing Mercury Lamps The ALTLED ® T8 is the brightest LED T8 tube in the world; putting two 4ft 46W tubes together in a high-bay fixture will perfect...

Illumination in Focus - Cree breaks $100 barrier with 90-CRI LED troffer luminaire

Illumination in Focus - Cree breaks $100 barrier with 90-CRI LED troffer luminaire Cree breaks $100 barrier with 90-CRI LED troffer luminaire 28 Jan 2014 The AR Series joins Cree's TrueWhite branded products that deliver CRI of 90 or better, includes dimming as a standard feature, and offers a two-year payback. Cree has announced the ZR Series of LED-based troffer fixtures for recessed ceiling applications that have been dominated for years by fluorescent troffers. Some configurations of the new fixtures are priced at $99 with all family members offering the company's TrueWhite technology and a CRI of 90 or more. The new product family is what Cree refers to as contractor-grade product whereas the previously announced CR, AR, and LR Series are more expensive and targeted at architectural specification. Still, the new products include the high CRI, 0-10V dimming support, and the company's 10-yr warranty. The products are projected for 75,000 hours of...

Cree launches autonomous controls technology for LED luminaire portfolio - LEDs

Cree launches autonomous controls technology for LED luminaire portfolio - LEDs Cree launches autonomous controls technology for LED luminaire portfolio Published on: February 4, 2014 By Maury Wright Editor, LEDs Magazine and Illumination in Focus Cree has announced the SmartCast lighting controls technology including luminaires equipped with occupancy and ambient light sensors, dimmer switches, and a TV-remote-control-like configuration tool. A 2.4-GHz wireless mesh network connects the SmartCast system elements, and luminaires and switches automatically form network groups based on proximity. Cree says SmartCast can deliver 40% in energy savings over and above the effi...

Pasek 3528 IP65 + prostownik Warszawa Praga-Południe •

Pasek 3528 IP65 + prostownik Warszawa Praga-Południe •

Swietlowka LED 9W 60 CM Zimna biala przezroczysta (3945382753) - - Więcej niż aukcje.

Swietlowka LED 9W 60 CM Zimna biala przezroczysta (3945382753) - - Więcej niż aukcje. Super savings, Wielka oszczednosc , bo jesli oszcedzasz oklo 50 do nawet 90% na samym pradzie a doloz do tego zdrowie , bo led jest zdrowym swiatlem, nie mruga, nie ma rtecie i generalnie swietnie wplywa nie tylko na kiszen ale na srdowisko

LED zarowka 5W Ciepla Biala COB (3953608509) - - Więcej niż aukcje.

LED zarowka 5W Ciepla Biala COB (3953608509) - - Więcej niż aukcje. - Więcej niż aukcje. Najlepsze oferty na największej platformie handlowej. - Więcej niż aukcje. Najlepsze oferty na największej platformie handlowej.

Swietlowka LED 9W 60 CM Zimna biala przezroczysta (3945382753) - - Więcej niż aukcje.

Swietlowka LED 9W 60 CM Zimna biala przezroczysta (3945382753) - - Więcej niż aukcje. Ekonomia Tradycyjna zwietlowka pobiera 18 W na godzine (plus zaplonnik i stabilizator) . Stabilizator czesto przestarzaly mox del moze zuzywac nawet do 20W, zakaldamy 5w. Sklep otwarty 15 hr na dzien, 360 dni w roku, 23 w na hr / 1000 razy 60 groszy za kwh 200 x 15 x 360 x 23= 74.52 zl LED 200 x 15 x 360 x 9 = 29.16 zl