
Showing posts from May, 2013

From Cree, a budget LED that won't make Edison roll over in his grave | MNN - Mother Nature Network

From Cree, a budget LED that won't make Edison roll over in his grave | MNN - Mother Nature Network There are 60W LED below 5$, I have 7W 600 LM for 4$ plus shipping and if you buy 10 we ship for free. 40W replacement we have for 3.5$ (420 LM). The best of LED you will see in about 2-3 years when I do anticipate full fall of 60 W below 2$, and within 5 years below 1$.

Google Timelapse - topniejące lodowce, wycinka puszczy amazońskiej. Zobacz, jak zmieniał się świat, Europa, twoje miasto

Google Timelapse - topniejące lodowce, wycinka puszczy amazońskiej. Zobacz, jak zmieniał się świat, Europa, twoje miasto Czy to oznaza ze mamy zastosowac Salinowskie czy Hitlerowskie czy Maoistyczne metdoy i wyeliminowac 6 miliardow ludzi?? Znaczy ammy wprowadzic socjlaizm i w imie dobra okreslonej grupy zabijemy tych niepotrzebnuych??

Why you should not plant bamboo in your yard | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Why you should not plant bamboo in your yard | MNN - Mother Nature Network Great point. We need also to learn how to harvest bamboo shots. I tried them it taste awesome.

How one family is living off the grid | MNN - Mother Nature Network

How one family is living off the grid | MNN - Mother Nature Network Solar panels and LED follow Haitz law. Every 2 years efficiency per Watt doubles that means, more power from solar and less power needed to get same results. Wal-mart my Goddess of efficiency and saving, is installing solar panels , and LED everywhere, that tells me it must make economical sense.

Użytkownik ledmaster - zdjęcia na FotoForum |

Użytkownik ledmaster - zdjęcia na FotoForum | <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>